Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Apr 11, 2022
Palm Sunday 2022 Series: Holy Spirit - Helper & Friend In true passion or pretense? I wonder why we as Christians celebrate Palm Sunday. It was not a day of victory or triumph, it was a day of pretense and misunderstanding. The Jewish people had witnessed or heard about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead after 4 days in the grave (a thing thought impossible even by Israel's standards who had seen several resurrections in their history). This miracle took place in Bethany, a small village not far from Jerusalem so word had spread. When news of Jesus coming to Jerusalem became known, people spread out palm branches (a sign of victory and joy) before his colt as he rode into town. Not long into that very day, Jesus challenged their superficial worship and devotion. He drove the money changers from the temple and told the crowd that He was going to be crucified. The Jews did not understand the scripture spoke of Messiah's suffering, only that he would remain forever so they immediately began to question Him and alter their opinions of Him. By weeks end these same Israelites were agreeing with and asking for His crucifixion. This is a great time of year to ask ourselves - what would it take to keep us from Jesus? Is our worship and devotion true and passionate or is it merely pretension? Blessings!
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