Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Apr 17, 2022
Communion of the Body, Blood & Resurrection Easter Sunday 2022 Jesus as the Christ, prophecied of throughout the Old Testament - was the perfect sacrifice! His entire like He kept the law flawlessly and so, at the last supper, being the day before Passover, the meal Jesus FIRST ate with His disciples was the Passover meal. Inluded in this meal was a 1 year old lamb whose blood was placed on the door posts and the meat roasted. There were bitter herbs as well as unleavened bread & wine. Jesus Himself was the lamb sacrificed and the bitter herbs were His in His death and separation from God the Father for a moment on the cross, but the bread and the wine AFTER supper, He repurposed and redefined as representing His body and blood. This was the FIRST communion - which is the Greek word Koinonia - meaning a shared experience, shared resources and a shared life! Passover meal which symbolized and memorialized Israel's great departure from Egypt was now replaced with a simpler communion meal - itself also a memorial meal of our Lord and communion in and with His death, blood and resurrection. It symbolizes the departure from this fallen world of sin and entrance into His eternal kingdom by faith. Come commune with us over these timeless truths and worship the God of the Resurrection. Blessings!
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