Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Feb 21, 2022
A Kingdom of Shared Experiences, Resources & Life Series: Holy Spirit - Helper & Friend From the moment the New Birth came to the Jewish people in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, those who trusted in their Messiah were given new hearts which immediately began to live FROM THE HEART the law they had studied and attempted to live all their lives. The early church did 7 things immediately and instinctively upon being made alive in the spirit. 1. They were together as ONE unit - they were now a community of believers. 2. They adopted a joint-communal partnership and ownership in all things. a. The words “in common” is the Greek word Koinos from which we get the word Koinonia. 3. They actually SOLD their extra possessions from common items all the way up to houses & lands. 4. They GAVE to all within the Christian community who had need. 5. They continued in a place in the temple in perfect agreement and union. 6. They ate communal meals together in each others houses Daily in gladness and simplicity of heart coupled with praise towards God 7. Their actions created a sense of goodwill among the lost As a result God added to their number daily. The early church began the process of learning how to live life empowered by the Spirit Who had been poured out on the Day of Pentecost and would continue tobe poured out on all God's children who sought Him in sincerity. Blessings!
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