Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Aug 23, 2022
Discipline in the church Pt. 2 Series: Holy Spirit - Helper & Friend Part 2 - Removing leaven from the church A New Covenant keeping of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This week we are learning buidling on last week's lesson regarding church disicpline. Immediately after dealing with the specific instance of sin in the Corinthian church, Paul begins talking about the need to keep the local assemblies "leaven free" which he defines as free of sin and vice. Paul uses this reference from the Old Covenant regarding Israel's first convocation and feast which they observed before ever even leaving Egypt - that of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. These Paul used to teach the true meaning behind these observances and how they are lived under the New Covenant. God has set us free from sin and bondage to the world and as such we are to be diligent to keep the world and sin out of us as individuals and as local assemblies. Many years ago a message like this would have been seen as fundamental - today is radical. This is becuase the church has lost its way and has converted the local assembly which was designed to be a fold for sheep to be nurtured, learn and grow and we have turned into a place to bring in the lost (wolves) who are still laden down with sins they have not yet been freed from and THAT has a HUGE leavening effect on the entire church! I hope this message is a blessing to you as you study God's word and seek His face!
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