Greenfield Services, Inc.
Greenfield Services, Inc.
Jan 29, 2024
No establishment can stand without initially establishing its foundation on the deep ground. This essential job is the domain of the excavating contractor, who have to be knowledgeable and capable of breaking ground in all conditions. Greenfield Services located in Puyallup provides commercial excavation services, including a proven track record of efficiently dealing with all aspects of site preparation. Lots of excavation specialists traditionally rely upon excavators to break through the ground to reach buried utility lines. Nevertheless, this heavy-handed approach is not appropriate sometimes, like when sites require to be protected. At Greenfield Services, we use advanced hydro excavation technology for several industrial excavation jobs. This extremely advanced technology makes use of high-pressure water to cut through the soil. This method is less likely to damage hidden lines, ideal for construction and maintenance projects near sensitive utilities. Whether you are aiming to excavate a foundation for a new home or clear land for industrial development, our group has the knowledge and equipment to manage any size excavation job. Contact Greenfield Services today for your next excavation task.