Tacoma Orthodontics
Tacoma Orthodontics
Aug 20, 2020
Amid all the disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has caused in our daily lives, Tacoma Orthodontics is proud to be open and providing patients with safe orthodontic treatments. As an established orthodontic practice in Tacoma, WA, we have always upheld the infection prevention standards of OSHA, ADA, and the CDC. Since reopening, this practice has expanded to include all regulations and protocols related to reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Our patients can, therefore, schedule treatments without fear of infection. Tacoma Orthodontics 4301 S Pine St #231 Tacoma, WA 98409 (253) 648-1907 https://www.ghtortho.com/about/?scrollto=patra https://www.ghtortho.com/about/tacoma-office/ https://www.ghtortho.com/about/difference/ https://goo.gl/maps/R2Dk3MHRDs3BVLKXA https://maps.google.com/?cid=17026939626934110215 https://local.google.com/place?id=17026939626934110215&use=posts&lpsid=854903403090894429