Smalto Dental Clinic
Smalto Dental Clinic
Mar 15, 2024
According to the State of Oral Health in Europe, over 50% of the European population may struggle with some kind of periodontitis at some point in their life. Additionally, over 10% of people experience serious oral conditions. Broken, lost, or crooked teeth can have a significant effect on a person's life. As an example, people with several missing teeth may experience difficulty eating and talking, depression, as well as social isolation. That's why excellent oral health is crucial for individuals's health and well-being. Daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental exams keep teeth free from decay and mouth infections. Smalto Dental Clinic is always standing by to advise people on how to adopt great oral hygiene and make it part of their routine. We also suggest patients do dental brushing two times a year to ensure hard-to-reach teeth and periodontal lines are tartar and plaque-free. Our dental practitioners use cutting-edge dental tools to provide you the smile and oral health you want. So, schedule your appointment today!