Smalto Dental Clinic
Smalto Dental Clinic
Mar 28, 2024
Does your partner whine that you gnash, grind or clench your teeth during the night? Then you may have a sleep-related movement problem called bruxism. Bruxism is a condition where you unconsciously clinch your teeth while sleeping. Yet symptoms can even happen when you are awake. Teeth grinding is frequently related to anxiousness or tension. Most of people are not aware that they are grinders. Under normal conditions, chewing muscles maintain the upper jaw at a distance from the lower jaw, except during chewing food. All other hours of the day, the mouth should remain in a "resting position," so the top teeth do not touch the lower teeth. With a thorough clinical assessment, your dentist will inform you if you are clenching or even grinding your teeth and recommend a proper treatment, such as the use of mouth guards or safety splints. If your partner has told you are grinding your teeth during the night, or you have discovered any type of related symptoms, call Smalto Dental Clinic in Strovolos, Nicosia. Our bruxism-expert dentists will be pleased to help you!