The Balanced Atlas
The Balanced Atlas
Mar 15, 2024
Chiropractic service that Helps With Vertigo & Dizziness In Embarcadero San Francisco, CA Find relief from dizziness and imbalance with our specialized chiropractic service in Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA. Vertigo, characterized by abrupt spinning sensations provoked by head movement, and dizziness, which encompasses sensations of lightheadedness and problems with balance, often result from mixed signals within the body's critical balance-maintaining systems: the vision-related, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. Such confusion can originate from incorrect neck posture, neck disorders, or accidents to the cervical spine. Upper neck misalignments, particularly the Atlas vertebra (C1), commonly lead to these symptoms by disrupting brain and body coordination and balance centers. Our expert practitioners employ the NUCCA protocol to correct the upper neck, easing stress on the brainstem and enhancing improved nervous system function, in the end reestablishing your sense of balance and well-being.
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