The Balanced Atlas
The Balanced Atlas
May 3, 2023
Is it true that when you see a Chiropractor, you will always need Chiropractic treatment? In contrast to popular belief, seeing a Chiropractor does not mean needing frequent treatment for the remainder of your life. Instead, the process needs regular follow-up therapies in order to stabilize the spine and bring it back into the right position. Depending on how much time the spine has been out of alignment, this procedure may take longer than others. The best approach to figure out whether you need frequent treatment is by speaking to your chiropractor and understanding your specific case. This will help you choose a plan of action that works best for you and your needs. It is recommended to discuss with your Chiropractor the frequency of visits and what you can do to maintain a healthy spine in between therapies. This consists of proper stretching, workout, posture, and lifestyle improvements. By taking these actions, you may find that subsequent visits are needed less often. The Balanced Atlas Chiropractic treatment in San Francisco is devoted to helping you achieve optimal health. We encourage you talk to us about any inquiries or concerns that might arise as you progress in your treatment plan!