Egochi Milwaukee SEO Agency
Egochi Milwaukee SEO Agency
Jun 15, 2020
The Power of Power (as in mathematical exponent) Over Time Some clients ask me, why is it that my rankings went down when I didn't touch the site for a long time? Shouldn't they maintain their rankings? There is no such thing as constant equilibrium on the SERP as it is one of the most dynamic environments you can find. It's ALWAYS a moving target! As an SEO, your job is to discover positive ranking signals and ensure Google sees them. Your efforts will be visible and self-evident over time. Please keep in mind that doing nothing is not really doing nothing. Doing nothing means you are letting your competitors propagate more positive signals than what you are currently propagating. It is really rare that you will see a site doing well in a market with strong commercial intent by doing nothing. - Steven Kang (SEO Signals Lab)
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