Spanish Fork Dentistry
Spanish Fork Dentistry
Apr 7, 2023
Did you know there are two main types of dental fillings: metal (amalgam) and composite (white)? While both serve the purpose of filling cavities, they differ in several ways, and it's crucial to understand these differences for a safer, healthier smile. Amalgam fillings, often silver fillings, have been used for decades. They're durable and cost-effective but contain a mix of metals, including mercury. This has raised concerns about potential health risks, as mercury is a known neurotoxin. On the other hand, composite (white) fillings are made of a resin-based material that mimics the natural look of teeth. White fillings also offer better aesthetics, blending seamlessly with the surrounding tooth structure. If you have metal fillings and are concerned about the potential risks, or just want the replaced, for a healthier and beautiful smile! Contact Spanish Fork Dentistry today to learn more or schedule an appointment. 📞🦷 #WhiteFillings #SpanishForkDentist #DesignsByCAS#bestdentistnearme #bestspanishforkdentist #bestutahvalleydentist
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