Spanish Fork Dentistry
Spanish Fork Dentistry
May 9, 2023
At Spanish Fork Dentistry, we believe that understanding your teeth is crucial to maintaining good oral health. If you know your teeth's purpose it can motivate you to keep them healthy for a lifetime. Know Your Teeth: Incisors These are the mouth's eight front teeth (four top, four bottom). They cut food into smaller pieces. Canines There are four of them, one on each side of the incisors. Canines help us tear through tougher foods like meats and raw vegetables. Premolars Located behind the canines, we have eight premolars in total. They crush and grind food, making it easier to swallow and digest. Molars The powerhouse of the human mouth. There are 12 molars in total, with three on each side of the upper and lower jaw. Molars have a large, flat surface that's perfect for grinding food into a fine paste. The third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, often cause problems due to insufficient space in the jaw and may need to be removed. To maintain a healthy smile it's important to know your teeth and their specific functions. By understanding the roles of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, we can understand why better care for our teeth is important, so our teeth serve us well throughout our lives. #KnowYourTeeth #SalemDentist #PaysonDentist #BestLocalDentist #DesignsByCAS#bestdentistnearme #bestspanishforkdentist #bestutahvalleydentist
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