Spanish Fork Dentistry
Spanish Fork Dentistry
Mar 10, 2023
Grounding yourself through your senses can help you feel more present in your situation and reduce stress. And we have just the technique to do it! Take a deep breath and look around you. Find 5 things you can see and say them out loud or in your head. Next, find 4 things you can feel, such as the chair you're sitting on, your feet on the ground, or your clothes on your skin. Then, find 3 things you can hear, like the sound of a clock ticking, birds chirping, or a car passing by. Next, find 2 things you can smell, like the scent of fresh coffee or flowers. Finally, find 1 thing you can taste, like the flavor of a mint or a sip of water. This exercise can ground you by bringing your attention to the present moment and your surroundings. It can help you focus on your senses and away from your thoughts and worries. At Spanish Fork Dentistry we care about more than just your dental health. #GroundingTechnique #ReduceStress #BePresent #SpanishForkDentistry #LifeHack #DesignsByCAS#bestdentistnearme #bestspanishforkdentist #bestutahvalleydentist
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