Symeou Dental Center
Symeou Dental Center
Apr 6, 2023
According to the American Dental Association, around 178 million Americans have lost at least one tooth. That's a lot of gaps! And those gaps can have a considerable impact on an individual's life. For instance, individuals with lost teeth are more prone to experience social isolation and anxiety. They're also more prone to have trouble when eating and speaking. That's why dental implants are one of the most popular options for replacing lost teeth. Not only do they look natural, but they're also quite durable, with a success rate of over 95%. Dental implants are biocompatible titanium fixtures that go with and support bone, maintaining your dental system healthy and strong, with the function and feel of your own tooth. It is very important to remember, however, that dental implants need thorough dental hygiene to avoid infection. When it involves replacing missing teeth, implants are certainly worth considering. For people in Nicosia, SYMEOU Dental Center is the dental practice you can rely on for successful dental implant placements. Our dentists use the best materials and innovative dental tools to offer you the smile and dental health you're dreaming of!