Symeou Dental Center
Symeou Dental Center
Dec 13, 2023
You may not realize it, yet, your teeth are under continuous attack. Whenever you eat or drink, acids and bacteria destroy your tooth enamel, leading to cavities and gum disease. That's why cleaning and flossing your teeth daily is necessary. But how frequently should you see the dentist for teeth cleaning? That depends on a number of factors, including your age, your risk for dental caries, and your oral hygiene practices. For lots of people, a good general rule is to go to the dentist every 6 months for a typical cleaning. However, you might require to see more often if you have a history of tooth cavities or various other dental issues. And if you are particularly attentive about brushing and flossing, you might be able to extend the interval between cleanings. So what's the bottom line? Talk with your dentist about how often you must set up a cleaning - and after that be sure to stay on top of your visits! For patients in Nicosia, the skilled dentists at SYMEOU Dental Center are always delighted to address your dental questions and concerns. Give them a call today!