MetroConf Kingdom Hall Conferencing
MetroConf Kingdom Hall Conferencing
Jul 13, 2019
In the critical economic times in which we live, it is certainly important to manage rising Kingdom Hall operating costs and preserve dedicated funds. Thus, a willing spirit has moved individual members of Jehovah's Witnesses to provide high-quality telephone tie-ins, phone hookups (sometimes called a telephone link up) and tie lines (known as conference services) at a very low cost to Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses. METROCONF is an example of such a service, and since 2012 it has been providing high-quality video live streaming and telephone tie in (conferencing) services for 90,365 friends, and Kingdom Halls across five times zones in the continental United States and Canada. The purpose of this service is to make it possible to listen to Kingdom Hall meetings at home when illness and old age make it difficult or impossible to attend. Prices start at $7.50 per month per auditorium. Multiple congregations are permitted to share the same service and video services are included in the cost. Kingdom Halls moving from can also subscribe for as low as $7.50 per month.
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