A-Pro Home Inspection Albuquerque Metro
A-Pro Home Inspection Albuquerque Metro
Dec 2, 2019
Retaining Wall When installed properly and well-maintained, they can be an attractive feature as well as a useful one. Benefits include preventing erosion; keeping the soil from shifting, which could affect the structure’s foundation. We all know how important water is to sustain life. However, when it comes to a home, water can often be the cause of slow, costly death to its structures. Your home inspector will check to see if the wall is shifting, bulging, bowing, or leaning away from the hill. All signs that saturated soil may be pushing against the structure. While changes in a retaining wall generally progress slowly, harmful shifting is difficult to stop once it starts. To schedule a home inspection, call 1-505-510-0270 or click the link below
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