Dr William Portuese
Dr William Portuese
Jul 13, 2021
Top 5 Facelift Questions to Ask Your Surgeon When is the best time to get a facelift? How long does a facelift make your face feel tight? How many years younger can you seem with a facelift? When can I go out in public after a facelift? About: A face lift is a procedure that improves the appearance of aging on the face and neck. Safety: Make an appointment with a board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr William Portuese of The Seattle Facial Plastic Surgery Center This ensures a specific degree of knowledge, training, and certification. Anesthesia hazards, infection, numbness, scarring, blood clots, heart issues, and poor results are all possible concerns to be aware of with any operation. To make an informed decision about whether surgery is best for you, speak with your doctor about the risks and benefits. Cost: $14,300 (Surgeon & Operating Room) + $1,377 (Face/Neck Lift) (Anesthesia) Efficacy: To get the results you want, you may need more than one face lift. You'll be able to see the full results of the surgery once the swelling and bruising have subsided. Taking care of your skin and leading a healthy lifestyle will help you get the most out of your facelift. The flexibility of our skin and tissues naturally decreases as we age. Sagging and wrinkles arise as a result of this. A facelift, sometimes called rhytidectomy, is a surgical operation that tightens and elevates the facial tissues. Visit https://www.seattlefacial.com/procedures/facelift.html
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