Sep 21, 2021
"Types of Business Insurance" Running a business exposes you to operational risks, financial risks, strategic risks, and reputational risks. Thankfully, several Insurance coverage plans can help mitigate every conceivable risk your business might face. Here are some of them. General liability insurance: This insurance plan helps cover legal hassles due to claims of negligence, injuries, and accidents. Product liability insurance: This insurance policy protects against financial loss due to a defective product that causes bodily harm or injury to users of the products. Professional liability insurance: This type of insurance protects the business against errors, malpractice, and negligence while providing services to your customers. Commercial property insurance: This covers everything related to the damage and loss of the company's property. Discussing your specific business risks and the types of insurance available with a San Angelo insurance agency may help you understand the advantage of each policy. This way, selecting the right plan for you wouldn't be a problem. San Angelo Insurance 1102 N Chadbourne San Angelo, TX 76903
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