혁신라이프코칭연수원 ICC (Innovative Coaching Center)
혁신라이프코칭연수원 ICC (Innovative Coaching Center)
Nov 3, 2019
신현근 박사: 초기 연구와 후기 연구의 통합을 추구한 클라인의 네 번째 단계 이론 https://youtu.be/rgq2YkQEmZ0 The major project in the fourth and final phase of Klein's work, extending from the 1946 paper "Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms" to her death in 1960, is an attempt to balance and sythesize her later work on depression and raparation with a deepened consideration of her her ealier focus on paranoid processes. (Greenberg & Mitchell, 1983, p. 125) This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) - "Theories and History of Intersubjective and Relational Psychoanalysis" - in Korean (한국어) is publicly posted to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various areas of the world have an easy and free access to the psychoanalytic and spiritual insights and wisdoms. 이 영상 강좌는 세계 여러 곳에 계시는 한인 공동체와 공동체 소속원들께서 정신분석적, 영성적 통찰과 지혜에 쉽게 접할 수 있도록 돕고자 여러분들께 공개합니다.