Beharry Law - Injury and Accident Attorney
Beharry Law - Injury and Accident Attorney
Sep 28, 2022
How Much Can Someone Sue For a Car Accident in Miami FL? Florida law does not limit the amount of compensation that an injured victim can seek in a car crash lawsuit. A plaintiff cannot ask for an unreasonable amount of compensation. It must be reasonable and supported by evidence. Our firm have the resources and expertise to evaluate your claim and gather evidence to support it. Florida car accident victims have many things to consider immediately after a crash. They are concerned about their own health and the safety of their passengers. Other practical issues soon become apparent, such as paying for the vehicle's damage, paying their medical bills, or losing their time at work. Many people are curious if they can bring a personal injury case against the other party and what compensation they might be entitled to. Our firm is a champion for car accident victims. Beharry Law can help you maximize your compensation, whether you decide to file a claim with the court or negotiate with an insurer. Book a free consultation on our calendar today.