Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer
Napolin Accident Injury Lawyer
Dec 13, 2019
Orange Dog Bite Animal Attack Injury | Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer for Dog Bite California Dog Bite Statute: The State of California is home to a staggering amount of incidents that involve injuries caused by animals, most commonly people getting bitten by a dog. The State is among the leaders in the nation when it comes to the amount of injuries and fatalities that are caused by canine attacks. Because of this, California has adopted very stringent laws that hold pet owners responsible for the actions of their animals. California's tough stance on dog bites is strict liability. This means that the dog owner is held responsible for damages under these conditions, (1) the injury resulted from being bitten and not a scratch or other injury, and (2) the bite occurred while in a public place or lawfully on private property. Under this statue the pet owner is still liable even if the dog has no history of aggressive behavior, the owner had no idea the dog could become aggressive, and even if the owner took reasonable measures to prevent the incident. Study Up: Inquire about a free consultation at our office located at 2230 W. Chapman Ave.- Ste. 234, Orange, CA, 92868 by calling (714) 451-2006. #dogbitelawyer #dogattack #animalattackattorney #legalhelp #legalservices #personalinjurylawyer #napolinaccidentinjurylawyer #napolinlaw
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