Guwahati Microgreens
Guwahati Microgreens
Jun 21, 2022
Tasted our newest product #alfalfasprouts with arugula spread and garlic bread for #brunch on a busy #weekday. Alfalfa sprouts are #nutrientdense, as they are packed with Vitamins and minerals and are very low in calories. Do you want to know more about these amazing sprouts that is considered as "the father of all foods" by the Arabs? Drop us a Yes or No in the comment section. #guwahatimicrogreens is a responsible farm growing and promoting microgreens, and sprouts for individuals and businesses in Guwahati. #brunchideas #healthyfood #alfalfa #sprouts #lightfood #newproduct #grownlocally #grownfromseed #vegetarian #vegetable #sprouts #localbusiness #guwahatimicrogreens