Just Wisdom Teeth
Just Wisdom Teeth
Mar 29, 2021
The general recommendation is to replace a tooth that has been extracted asap. But that rule doesn’t apply to wisdom teeth that are often removed because there just isn’t enough room in the patient’s mouth - replacing them would only defeat the purpose. And since we no longer need that extra set of molars (our chewing requirements have evolved over time) why would we choose to replace them? Visit the Just Wisdom Teeth website, to learn all about wisdom teeth. Schedule an evaluation today or be sure to call us with any questions or concerns that you might have. Just Wisdom Teeth 1220 Caraway Ct, Suite 1050A Largo, MD 20774 https://justwisdomteethdc.com/contact-us/ https://maps.google.com/?cid=2853211433275311428 https://local.google.com/place?id=2853211433275311428&use=posts&lpsid=964302095946633217
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