The Seattle Eyelid & Blepharoplasty Center
The Seattle Eyelid & Blepharoplasty Center
Jan 13, 2021
POST SURGERY: SIDE EFFECTS AFTER EYELID SURGERY Pain associated with a blepharoplasty is usually very mild and is more associated with a burning sensation, tired eyes, or a headache. Swelling: Patients can expect swelling of the eyelids to last for approximately two to three weeks after their surgery. Surrounding tissues including the sclera, which is the white part of the eye, can be swollen for upwards of two weeks as well. This is similar in appearance to conjunctivitis or pink eye and can last two to three weeks. A majority of the swelling usually subsides at about two weeks after the surgery. There is still an additional 10% of swelling that still needs to take a month to two months to go away and full healing is two to three months. Bruising: Bruising usually occurs in the upper lids and lower lids and into the lower cheeks and lasts approximately 7 to 14 days after the surgery. Bruising depends upon the patient; some patients get a lot of bruising and some patients hardly get any.
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