American Kenpo Karate
American Kenpo Karate
Jan 17, 2020
New Post: Flashing Wings with Extension – 2nd Degree Black Belt – Advanced Karate Training - Flashing Wings with Extension - 2nd Degree Black Belt - Advanced Karate Training Advanced Karate Training involves offensive and defensive moves.  At the 2nd degree Black Belt level, practitioners not only learn to use short range weapons such as elbows (learned at Blue Belt Level), but also learn how to destabilize their opponent’s base by both attacking the legs with sweeps and simultaneously attacking the head and shoulders.  The Demonstration below shows how to use Flashing Wings to take down your opponent. FLASHING  WINGS (front right step through punch) Standing naturally with feet together, step to your left on a 45* angle with your left foot (to 11 o'clock) as your left inward blocks on the outside of opponent's right arm and your right arm cocks to your right hip (fist clenched and palm up).Shift into a left forward bow as you deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent's right ribs (with your left hand guarding and employing the bracing angle concept) which follows through and by-passes opponent's ribs.Shift clockwise into a horse as you execute a right horizontal outward elbow strike to opponent's right shoulder blade (just under it) as you simultaneously execute a left horizontal outward heel palm claw across opponent's face.Continue to pivot clockwise into a right wide kneel (facing 5 o'clock) as you
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