Houston Appraisal Co
Houston Appraisal Co
Nov 22, 2020
APPRAISAL SERVICES DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC We're Committed to Keeping You Safe In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we’re staying up-to-date with the CDC and local updates, and responding in real time to keep you safe. What we are doing: Appraisers are required to wash their hands regularly. Each Appraiser carries hand sanitizer to be applied before and after each site visit. Office members are working from home and the office is closed until May 1st. Vehicles are wiped daily with disinfectant wipes as part of our enhanced cleaning and disinfecting schedule. Maintaining a six feet distances between staff members and customers with no direct physical contact being permitted. Appraisers have been issued protective masks, gloves and shoe covers as an added pre-caution. Due to limited supply of PPE we are asking that customers to inform our staff members the level of protection they are comfortable with.