Yuma Smiles
Yuma Smiles
Aug 13, 2021
The premolars and rear molars are equipped with grooved surfaces that are perfect for chewing, but that same distinction puts them at higher risk for food debris and bacterial plaque to collect and fester. Dental sealants are typically used by pediatric dentists as a cavity preventive, but healthy adult teeth can also benefit from the extra protection. Dental sealants have proven to be highly efficient in preventing decay and can be expected to last for up to 10 years. Visit the Yuma Smiles website to review the diverse selection of dental services that our practice has to offer at our top-notch dental office in Yuma Arizona. Yuma Smiles 550 E 32nd St #6 Yuma, AZ 85365 https://maps.google.com/?cid=3309601410542219510 https://yuma-smiles.business.site/ https://local.google.com/place?id=3309601410542219510&use=posts&lpsid=2103432252086755713
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