Laffey Bucci & Kent
Laffey Bucci & Kent
Jan 19, 2021
Personal Injury Lawyers in South Philly, PA Injuries resulting from car, bus, truck, motorcycle, and pedestrian accidents are an everyday occurrence in South Pennsylvania. Each day, innocent lives are turned upside down in a split second, due to the negligence and carelessness of another driver on the road, and accidents are on the rise. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the number of car accidents has risen over the last 10 years and is a leading cause of death for teenagers. At Laffey, Bucci & Kent, our experienced injury attorneys are committed to providing quality representation and individual attention to their clients and their clients’ families. In auto accident cases, our lawyers prepare every case for trial by conducting thorough investigations, using experts when needed and working with the client to present the best case possible. If you or a loved one was seriously hurt or killed in an auto accident, contact our offices to get a free case review. Our auto injury attorneys handle car accident cases throughout the State of Pennsylvania: Laffey Bucci & Kent 1435 Walnut St Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA (215) 399-9255
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