ShelistenS Notary Specialists
ShelistenS Notary Specialists
Mar 5, 2023
Signing Opportunities with ShelistenS®! ...almost. Many notary business owners are experiencing a reduction in business activity because of the changes in the real estate industry. Some have seen a decline in calls from signing services as well. No matter your business or industry, there might come a time when YOU'RE THE REASON that you have to scale back your services or completely stop taking clients. Over the past few weeks I started having some knee issues. I decided to "tough it out" and keep pressing forward. One Sunday after a road trip both knees were grinding relentlessly and one just gave out. YIKES! Now what? These things happen and we never know when, so its best to prepare yourself and your business in the event you have to reduce your business activities: 1. Are you saving? Well save some more! You should already have a savings account set up for your business, but consider increasing your savings as much as you can to cover your expenses while you're down. 2. Create a team. Are there other notaries nearby who you can call to refer your clients to? Create those relationships NOW. 3. Be realistic about recovery. Give yourself time to heal so that you can return to your business ready to serve! 4. Use your downtime wisely. Update services. Research additional income opportunities. Read. Find training. REST. You can be productive even if you have to slow down and sit still. Is your business ready if you have to take a break?