Mystical Wisdom
Mystical Wisdom
Jun 10, 2022
A beautiful day like today is perfect for giving your precious gems a sunbath. It's one of the easiest ways to cleanse and clear away stagnant and or negative energies. Works wonders for humans and animals too. Simply take your precious gems outside and place them carefully on the ground either on the grass or right in the dirt like I did in these photos. Allow them to bask in the sun for about 5 minutes or until you feel a positive vibe radiating from the crystals. Give the crystal a nice polish with a lightly damp cloth and use as usual. Some people like to set intentions to their stones after a good cleanse. This gives the gem a specific purpose. Don't leave them unattended. Some birds and other animals love shiny objects and won't think twice before taking them. If you are unable to place them outside, Then there are many other ways to cleanse your gems. Place them near a window so that the sun or moon beams can shine on them. Hold the gem under running water, place the gem in the dirt along with your house plant. Smudge, store your gems with Selenite. How ever you choose to clear your crystals it's always important to keep a positive attitude and intention. I hope you all are enjoying the sun. Have a blessed weekend. ~~~~~ For more information on cleansing, please contact Sharla via text, phone, DM or email. 🌞