AJ's Garage Door Service of Tucson
AJ's Garage Door Service of Tucson
Jan 22, 2021
Wondering if Your Garage Door is Balanced? Do a Door Balance Test If your door is equipped with an automatic opener system: close the door and disconnect the automatic opener. You should be able to lift the door smoothly and with little resistance. It should stay open around three or four feet above the floor. If it is difficult to open or does not remain open, the door may be out of balance and should be serviced by a trained service technician. If you want professional help, call AJ's Garage Door Service today at (520) 240-1779 AJ's Garage Door Service of Tucson Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 240-1779 https://www.ajsgaragedoorservice.com/tucson Service Area Map: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3583814568416674747 https://ajsgaragedoorserviceoftucson.business.site/ https://s3.amazonaws.com/ajsgaragedoorservice/index.html
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