Melek Kayser MD
Melek Kayser MD
May 3, 2021
Gone are the days when breast augmentation was a taboo subject. No longer do people giggle and whisper about whether so-and-so had a “boob job.” Today, around the country as well as here in Michigan, breast augmentation, known medically as augmentation mammaplasty, is a topic people discuss openly. Many women who elect to have enlargement surgery are so proud of their new curves that they happily show off their surgeon’s handiwork to their friends. Why shouldn't women strive for the form they want and be proud of their new bodies? A woman's sensuality is symbolized by her breasts. They convey a sense of vitality and youth. They have a major impact on how a woman feels about herself and her life. If you're disappointed with the way you look, Dr. Rodriguez will make you feel your best with a variety of Michigan enhancement procedures. In the United States, breast enlargement is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure among women. In reality, the procedure is performed on over 300,000 American women each year. Many women in Michigan pursue implant surgery after their childbearing years have left them with an unattractive "deflated" appearance, and some combine augmentation with a lift to reclaim a youthful image. Some women want implants to help them round out their pear-shaped figures. Many women who have had a protruding uterus since puberty just want to look better in and out of their clothing.
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