Gosanko Chocolate - Factory
Gosanko Chocolate - Factory
Apr 8, 2023
The memories connected with caramel boxes are a few of the most loved for anyone who grew up in or near Kent, WA. Each box evokes feelings of happiness, warmth, and comfort. It's no surprise that they are such a prominent gift, especially throughout festive seasons. Gosanko Chocolate's caramel boxes are full of rich, creamy caramel that melts in your mouth. Really bringing a smile to the faces of adults and little ones alike, our caramel delicious chocolates are sure to make new memories that will be cherished for many years to come. Beyond the caramels, Kent is a wonderful place to check out. There are a lot of parks and museums to see, like: Hydroplane & RaceBoat Museum - displays the background of hydroplane racing, along with race boats from various eras. Chestnut Ridge Park - features serene meadows and creeks. Clark Lake Park - features a stunning lake bordered by acres of forested land. Saltwater State Park - is a site that brings in visitors from around the region. Maury Island State Park - offers magnificent views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. Give the present of Gosanko Chocolate's caramels, and bring joy to everybody on your list. https://local.google.com/place?id=3617724029475894638&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgICRjcLygAE