Blue note
Blue note
Mar 28, 2020
🏠 🎶 致我們最鍾愛的廣大樂迷樂手朋友們 ~ 今天甚感榮幸 要跟大家分享好消息 ~ 🎉 台北藍調的正式官網開張上線囉 🎉 有型有款 邀請大家來逛逛 不用先量體溫 感謝這段艱困時期裡 依舊熱情支持的你們 ~ 莫忘初心 探索樂音最初始的感動 ~ Dear valued artists and patrons, we proudly present you this gorgeous official web site of Blue Note Taipei. Check it out and subscribe to stay up to date. During this difficult time, we thank you for continuing to support BNT. Thank you all for JAZZ.