Alamo City Custom Welding & Construction
Alamo City Custom Welding & Construction
Feb 3, 2022
Welding In San Antonio, TX: How Does Welding Work? Welding is the process of joining two or more pieces of metal together by applying heat and pressure to the seam simultaneously. Welders use stick electrodes, welding torches, and wire feed systems to get the job done. Welders come from all backgrounds and educational levels. Welding skills provide lifelong career opportunities for people who want to work with their hands in Texas. Welding has been around since ancient times, but it took off during World War II when metals were needed for tanks, ships, and other machinery that could help win the war. Welders employed during this period included farmers who decided that Welding was an ideal trade because it allowed them to be home with their families while still working on a full-time schedule.
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