Jody Reed, MA, LPC
Jody Reed, MA, LPC
Jun 17, 2021
Friends…I’m not talking about the 10-season television show…but genuine, real-life friends. Even as adults, we need friendships. A couple of my best friends and I have maintained friendships since middle school…that was over 35 years ago! Those are some that I count as lifelong friendships. We’ve been through a lot with each other over that span of time. But what about that friend that is in your life for a shorter period of time? Maybe it was a friend from work, but then you lost touch when you both moved on to other jobs. Maybe you were on vacation and made a friend for the weekend. Maybe you met a mom friend through your children, but then the kids grew apart and you went different directions. These are what I call friendships for a season. The time you spend together is still valuable, no matter how long it lasts. We all have different seasons in life, and each friendship is unique and meaningful. There is a lot to gain from friendships. You are not an island meant to live life by yourself. If you need a little help navigating interpersonal relationships, including friendships, please reach out to a therapist!
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