Aesthetic Dental Center of Morris County
Aesthetic Dental Center of Morris County
Jan 12, 2021
Teeth Whitening Treatment: Home vs. Professional Are your teeth stained or discolored? Contact with beverages like coffee and tea, or being a smoker, often leads to the development of stained teeth that can really take a toll on your smile. Fortunately, Aesthetic Dental Center of Morris County in Dover, NJ offers professional teeth whitening that can give you a blazing white smile that gets you noticed. Are you wondering if you should whiten your teeth at home or get a professional teeth whitening treatment? Here are a few considerations to guide your choice: Home Whitening Is Not as Effective as Professional Treatment If you only need to brighten your teeth a couple of shades, home whitening kits or strips may be adequate. Unfortunately, most people are disappointed with the results of these products, largely because they contain lower concentrations of hydrogen peroxide gel - the whitening part of the process. Professional teeth whitening offers a higher strength gel that gets better results. Don’t leave things to chance by experimenting at home. Professional Oversight Another key advantage to having your teeth whitened by your dentist is that the entire process is monitored by a trained professional. We can keep your teeth from becoming sensitive by protecting your gums and the soft tissues in your mouth from the bleaching agent. Contact Us