Twins Chiropractic and Physical Medicine
Twins Chiropractic and Physical Medicine
Sep 21, 2021
Chiropractor Office Near Me How Does Chiropractic Treatments Work? Chiropractic treatments normally consist of manual therapy, including joint manipulation, mobilizations and soft tissue therapy. A manipulation (commonly known as an adjustment) is a quick, small thrust to the spine or other parts of the body intended to provide immediate pain relief and mobility. Mobilizations are slower, more passive movements or stretches that help relieve stiff joints. And soft tissue therapy refers to a variety of different techniques focused on alleviating discomfort without causing movement. In addition to manual therapies, chiropractors are trained to recommend a course of action that includes exercise, ultrasound or laser treatments, rehabilitation, nutritional counselling and injury prevention strategies. Whether you are suffering from a specific injury to your muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves, or you have a chronic condition such as spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis, a chiropractor can help relieve pain and restore function in the following areas of the body: *Head and neck *Shoulders *Mid-back *Low back and pelvis *Elbows, wrists and hands *Hips, knees, ankles and feet Want to learn more? Call Twins Chiropractic and Physical Medicine.