Glotee Legal Limited
Glotee Legal Limited
Jun 11, 2019
Redundancy rights • The law provides a definition of what constitutes a redundancy. • For an individual to be eligible for a redundancy payment, certain criterion must be satisfied • Statutory redundancy payments are calculated by reference to a statutory formula. • Making enhanced redundancy payments will not be unlawful under the age discrimination legislation provided that the scheme mirrors the statutory redundancy scheme • An employee may lose his or her right to a redundancy payment in certain circumstances. • Even where there is no obligation to consult with union or employee representatives, there is still a duty to consult with individuals at each stage of the process. • Depending on how many employees are to be made redundant, an employer may be under a statutory duty to consult collectively with representatives. • Employees who are laid off or on short time may also be entitled to claim a redundancy payment. Lay-off and short-time working. We are at Glotee are happy to assist you with your redundancy concerns..