Health 1st Chiropractic and Rehabilitation - Winston Salem
Health 1st Chiropractic and Rehabilitation - Winston Salem
Dec 30, 2019
Causes of pain Sometimes when we live in pain, we feel tired, frustrated or depressed. When you want to get rid of the pain and start a happy life again, contact us at Winston Salem Chiropractor in NC. Doctor Mays is the founder of Health 1st. Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, a chiropractic clinic in Winston Salem that understands your pain. Usually, pain comes from trauma. When you have a car accident your body is not prepared to be shaken and jostled, so after the accident, you will start feeling the pain. Your body has to function altogether. When something is not working correctly, you can start feeling pain. Another cause of pain is fatigue. When you work in the garden or clean the house, or do another activity where you use your muscles more than normal, you are overusing your body, and it sends a message to your brain indicating that it has been overused interpreting it as pain. Health 1st Chiropractic and Rehabilitation 512 Waughtown St Winston-Salem, NC 27127 (336) 829-5235
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