Schuster Law
Schuster Law
Jul 27, 2021
Attorneys in Rose Valley Seek Maximum Pay Out for Auto Accidents Car accidents can sometimes be a harmless scratch or dent making filing a claim simple. Other times it may be more tragic involving extensive injuries or even death. Insurance companies can hire adjusters to save them money which in turn can reduce the payout to the victim. However, having an experienced car accident attorney can make the difference of thousand of dollars in compensation. Compensation that may be necessary for the following: -medical bills -medical transport expenses -hospital care costs -lost wages -property damages -pain and suffering Our legal team stays updated on all laws and understands how to negotiate with the insurance companies. Our goal is to get the maximum possible compensation for each client we represent. Call now to schedule a no-obligation case review. Our legal team proudly represents the Rose Valley and surrounding areas. Schuster Law 334 W Front St, Media, PA 19063, USA
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