First Choice Chiropractic
First Choice Chiropractic
Jul 29, 2020
Columbus Personal Injury Chiropractor Columbus Personal Injury Chiropractor Here at First Choice Chiropractic, we're in the business of helping people. We do this by providing outstanding solutions to personal injuries, offering gentle and effective treatment, and insurance assistance throughout the recovery process. Our Columbus personal injury chiropractor will accelerate the recovery process and provide the insurance counsel that you need to ensure your chiropractic treatment bills are covered. We understand the stress imposed on patients by personal injuries, and that's why we strive to relieve both physical pain and mental stress. If you're an accident victim, reach us at (614) 274-4878 to schedule a diagnostic appointment with our chiropractor within the first 48-hours. First Choice Chiropractic 3483 S High St, Columbus, OH 43207 (614) 274-4878 Hours: Monday-Thursday-9am-6pm Friday 9am-12pm
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