Butler Law Firm - The Houston DWI Lawyer
Butler Law Firm - The Houston DWI Lawyer
Jan 30, 2020
DUI For Drugs Texas DUI For Drugs: What You Need To Know Driving Under The Influence Of Drugs Click Here for more information (713) 236-8744 Have you been arrested for driving under the influence (DUID) in Texas? Drug-related DWIs occur a lot and Texas police officers can be unforgiving when these happen. The following are the type of drugs, which can affect your mental and physical state while driving: Prescription Drugs Over-The-Counter Drugs Illegal Drugs (eg cocaine, marijuana, heroin and ecstasy) Jim Butler Law | Drug Driving Penalties | Driving under the influence of drugsIn a drug-related DWI case, it is important to know if the drug you have taken caused the unsteady driving. Officers watch out for slurred speech, unsteady balance, lack of focus, and confusion. If they see all these, roadside drug testing can occur, and you can be arrested. Continue Reading @ https://www.thehoustondwilawyer.com/DUI-For-Drugs-What-You-Need-To-Know
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