Augusta Latin Mass
Augusta Latin Mass
Jun 22, 2022
June TLM
Jun 26, 12:30 AM - 3:00 AM
J+M+J A reminder that the monthly Usus Antiquior Mass for June will be this Sunday, June 26th the Third Sunday after Pentecost, at Most Holy Trinity. The usual pot luck will be held in St. Francis Hall following the Mass. Bring a dish to share if you can, and enjoy some fellowship. In case you were unable to be present for the Corpus Christi procession at Most Holy Trinity, it was a gorgeous day and a wonderful turnout. Many of those involved in making the procession happen are part of our community, and it seems fitting to share some of the beautiful images captured by Gema that day. She did an amazing job of framing the moment for us. Enjoy! Finally, some unfortunate and rather urgent news, Fr. Dan Firmin, pastor of St. James the Less parish in Savannah and Vicar General for our diocese was admitted to the ICU over the weekend with a ruptured appendix. Please pray for him as he remains in critical need of our prayers.