Assisting Hands In Home Healthcare Houston & Senior Care
Assisting Hands In Home Healthcare Houston & Senior Care
Feb 12, 2020
What Is A Houston Dementia? Dementia is not a disease, but rather a syndrome. This means that it can have a number of causes. Dementia is classed as a major neurocognitive disorder, and its symptoms can come from infections, disease or injuries. The symptoms of dementia can come from a long list of potential problems including memory failure, difficulty keeping tasks in mind when it is required to divide attention between them, issues with language comprehension or finding words for your own language expression, a reduction in spatial awareness, impaired executive function and difficulty decoding the kind of nonverbal cues that arise in day to day conversation. Dementia Has Numerous Potential Causes The symptoms of dementia can come from a number of underlying causes. Some people have cognitive impairment as a result of HIV infection. Some people show signs of dementia because they have Alzheimer’s disease and this affects their short-term memory and comprehension. Frontotemporal dementia can cause difficulty with behavior and speech. Vascular cognitive impairment can occur after a stroke. Brain damage from asphyxiation (e.g. after drowning) can lead to dementia. In each of those cases, the exact symptoms of dementia may be different, but the name for the condition is the same. Injury or disease has a negative impact on the brain cells and as a result of that brain function. Learn more by clicking the link below.
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