Develop Africa Inc
Develop Africa Inc
Sep 17, 2021
Students in Freetown are looking forward to starting school this year because donors helped cover their school fees making school possible for 86 students. Of those 86 students 46 were primary school students (nursery school through class 6) and 40 of those students were in secondary school (Junior Secondary school through Senior Secondary School 3). These 86 students also each received a book bag containing notebooks, erasers, pens & pencils, crayons, a ruler, an umbrella, and a pencil sharpener. Each of the students that received financial support and school supplies to attend school this year was very grateful for the support! Abigail, pictured here, is one of the students that received support and she expressed her gratitude saying that she is so happy she can go to school this year. This is only possible because of generous supporters who help make it happen whether you donate monetary funds or donate school supplies. We are so thankful for the generous support!
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