Dr Pramond Singh @ Claremont Dentist
Dr Pramond Singh @ Claremont Dentist
Apr 1, 2020
The current Pandemic is unprecedented and has forced us all to re-evaluate our daily routines. These are difficult times for us all, and we need to stand together in order to overcome this scourge. Dr. Singh is available on request for limited consultations and extreme emergencies, concentrating primarily on pain relief. Because of the high risk nature of dental treatments, ALL elective procedures are cancelled until after the lockdown period. Patients are kindly requested to call in and follow the voice prompts prior to showing up at the premises. Only patients receiving treatment may enter the premises. Anyone accompanying patients must remain seated in their vehicles. Minors must be accompanied by a single parent. Please note that we are operating with skeleton staff and at diminished capacity. Our aim is to attend to emergencies only, thereby minimizing the potential risk of transmission of the virus to patients and staff alike. Your understanding in this regard is greatly appreciated. We all have to exercise extreme caution and be extra vigilant during these trying and precarious times. If you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms we strongly recommend that you contact your GP, and postpone your dental treatment. By working together and following the guidelines recommended by the lockdown we will overcome this Scourge. Take care and stay safe!