Stanley Park Church Liverpool
Stanley Park Church Liverpool
Jan 11, 2022
We have recently had some adult baptisms at our Church, for those who have repented of their sin, and whose trust is in Jesus's death on the Cross to pay the price for their sin. All true Christians would believe that Jesus died upon the Cross to take the wrath of God upon Himself for the sins of all those you would ever believe on Him. He, the sinless spotless lamb of God, endured the pain and shame and wrath of God upon Himself so that whosoever believes on Him as their Lord and Saviour would not have to take that eternal punishment themselves in Hell. What think ye of Christ? Have you repented of your sin and trusted Jesus for the salvation of your soul? Or are you still in your sins and under the just wrath of our Holy God. Repent and be Baptised. Pray for those who have been Baptised recently. * Thomas * Paul (Baptised by his brother) * Sharon * Ben * Lillian (baptised by Ben her husband) * Margaret * Dave